
2013年9月17日 星期二

St. Jude Med. v. Access Closure: 美國Restriction Requirement與Species Election的法律效果

判決文原文:St. Jude Med., Inc. v. Access Closure, Inc. (Fed. Cir., September 11, 2013)


在美國申請專利時,有時會碰到審查委員發出的 "限制性要求 (Restriction Requirement)",認為申請案中包括了兩個不同的發明,要求申請人分案。為了避免申請人分案之後,日後卻在法院被認定兩案構成double patenting,美國專利法121條特別規定:因為 requirement for restriction 而被分割的案子,日後不可以當成無效其分割案或母案的依據:

A patent issuing on an application with respect to which a requirement for restriction under this section has been made, or on an application filed as a result of such a requirement, shall not be used as a reference either in the Patent and Trademark Office or in the courts against a divisional application or against the original application or any patent issued on either of them if the divisional application is filed before the issuance of the patent on the other application.

審查委員也有可能發出 "Requirement For Species Election",要求申請人選一組請求項給審查委員審。實務上這通常是申請人寫了一個很廣的獨立項,其下附屬了兩組很不一樣的附屬項。一旦獨立項被核駁,這兩組附屬項很有可能會被要求分案。審查委員為了減輕負擔,就在核駁獨立項前,先要求申請人選一組附屬項給他審。核駁獨立項之後,另一組附屬項就等到分案之後再審。

當年St. Jude Med. v. Access Closure這個案子的系爭專利申請人在申請母案時,同時收到 Restriction Requirement跟Species Election。 Restriction Requirement把母案切成Group I (裝置項) 跟Group II (方法項) 兩個群組,Species Election則把母案切成 Species A (dilator)、Species B (dilator and guidewire) 、以及Species C (guidewire and no dilator) 三個下位概念。

母案最後的請求項,是針對Group I、Species B,也就是只包括dilator and guidewire的裝置項。子案 (事實上是孫案) 有兩個:

  1. "Janzen Patent" 包括Group I、Species C以及Group II、Species C,也就是包括guidewire and no dilator的裝置項與方法項。
  2. "Sibling Patent" 包括Group II,但沒有用到guidewire,也沒有用到dilator。

現在,St. Jude Med. v. Access Closure這個案子的兩個爭點之一,就在於 Species Election的法律效果到底是什麼?跟Restriction Requirement一樣有121條適用嗎?Species Election如果沒有121條的適用,那麼孫案中Group I、Species C的這組請求項,會因跟母案一樣同屬Group I而無效。

這個問題的答案,其實就在Species Election的依據,37 CFR 1.146的條文裡面:

In the first action on an application containing a generic claim to a generic invention (genus) and claims to more than one patentably distinct species embraced thereby, the examiner may require the applicant in the reply to that action to elect a species of his or her invention to which his or her claim will be restricted if no claim to the genus is found to be allowable.


Thus, § 1.146 states that if no generic claim is found allowable, then the election of species will create a restriction under 35 U.S.C. § 121. 37 C.F.R. § 1.146 (“his or her claim will be restricted if no claim to the genus is found to be allowable”) (emphasis added).

由於系爭專利的母案在Species Election之後,沒有上位概念的請求項獲准,CAFC的結論是,系爭專利的母案其實有兩個Restrictions:把母案切成兩個群組的那個Restriction,以及把母案切成三個下位概念的那個Species Election之後的第二個Restriction:

... we hold that the restriction resulting from the election of species affected the line of demarcation. In particular, the first restriction separated Group I from Group II, and the second restriction operated on top of the first restriction to separate the Species.  

從這個結論出發,"Janzen Patent" 這個子案相對於母案是有可專利性的,但是相對於另一個子案 "Sibling Patent" 則有double patenting的問題,因為Sibling Patent涵蓋了整個Group II,跟Janzen Patent中的Group II、Species C重疊。所以CAFC的結論,是Janzen Patent這部份的請求項因double patenting 而無效:

Since we conclude that the Janzen patent and the sibling patent did not maintain consonance, and therefore the safe harbor provision cannot apply, we hold that claims 7, 8, and 9 of the Janzen patent are invalid. The trial court’s ruling to the contrary is reversed. 



  1. Species Election之後如果沒有上位概念的請求項被獲准,那麼下位的請求項有Restriction的效果,分案後有121條的適用,不能再主張分割後的各子案互相double patenting。
  2. 上面第1項的前提,是各子案之間彼此沒有重疊。各子案之間彼此若有重疊,還是會產生double patenting的結果。
簡單來講,就是子案的請求項不是跟母案不重疊就好,子案跟子案之間也不能重疊。子案之間彼此重疊的情況,通常是在母案分案之後,各子案是不同專利工程師負責申請,彼此又不互相check,就有可能發生。所以同一個專利家族,不管多龐大 (比如分案後又有多個延續案,然後又分案之類的),最好是由同一個人來負責控管整個家族各案之間不同請求項的範圍,會比較好。



