
2016年3月10日 星期四


Facebook patented imposter account detection system (PatentYogi.com, February 20, 2016)

US 9262610 (Google Patent)

臉書「複製人」詐騙興起 3妙招拯救你 (中時電子報,2016年03月5日)

神祕帳號寄邀請! 臉書有「另一個自己」其實是陷阱 (ETToday,2016年03月2日)




1. A method comprising:
receiving, by a server of a social networking system, a request from a client device of a requesting user of the social networking system to establish a connection to a target user of the social networking system;
retrieving a user profile associated with the requesting user including information identifying characteristics of the requesting user and information for identifying users of the social networking system connected to the requesting user;
retrieving a user profile associated with the target user including information identifying characteristics of the target user and information for identifying users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
comparing data from the user profile associated with the requesting user with data from user profiles associated with one or more users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
calculating a fraud probability score based on the comparison, the fraud probability score indicating a likelihood that the requesting user is a duplicate of a user of the social networking system connected to the target user; and
performing, using at least one processor, an action affecting the request to establish the connection based on the fraud probability score.


14. A method comprising:
receiving, by a server of a social networking system, a request from a client device of a requesting user of the social networking system to establish a connection with a target user of the social networking system;
retrieving a user profile associated with the requesting user and describing characteristics of the requesting user, the user profile associated with the requesting user maintained by the social networking system;
identifying one or more users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
retrieving user profiles associated with the one or more users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
comparing characteristics of the requesting user to characteristics of one or more users of the social networking system connected to the target user from the retrieved user profiles;
calculating a fraud probability score based on the comparison, the fraud probability score indicating a probability that the requesting user is an imposter of a user connected to the target user;
performing, at least one processor, one or more actions affecting the request based on the fraud probability score if the fraud probability score is at least a threshold value.

一般軟體專利我們會建議寫三種不同的獨立項,分別請求「方法」、「系統」與「紀錄媒體」這三種不同的標的類別。它們的目的不同,日後可以主張直接侵權的對象也不太相同。比如說,如果是跟手機APP運作方法相關的軟體專利,那麼方法項的直接侵權人,是使用這個運作方法的使用者;系統項的直接侵權人,是販賣能夠運作這個方法的硬體裝置的人 (當然這前提是系統項要寫得好);紀錄媒體項的直接侵權人,是販賣儲存了這個APP軟體的儲存媒體的人 (當然在網路時代,很難想像有人會把APP比如燒在光碟裡販售就是)。

上述寫法比較有名的例子,是Apple拿出來告Samsung的專利,幾乎都採取這種請求項策略。比如 US 5,946,647US 8,046,721US 8,074,172等等。(嗯,不過前陣子Apple在上訴法院裡,這三篇專利的相關訴訟進行的都不太順利...。)


此外,還有所謂「組合-次組合」的請求項策略議題。依這篇專利說明書的內容,這個反詐騙的方法,涉及fraud probability generator 214與remedial action manager 216。通常這種狀況,我們會考慮「組合-次組合」的請求項策略,比如說為fraud probability generator 214寫一項獨立項。它的好處是日後可以選擇對不同的業者主張直接侵權。如果有需要,有律師甚至在自己寫的書中,建議把組合跟次組合這兩個請求項分開成兩件專利申請案來提出申請。


上面這些請求項策略的抉擇,很難評斷對錯。不過,我們通常很難預測10年後,社群網站的防詐騙機制會變成怎麼運作。比如說,說不定真的會出現一個第三方業者,專門跟大型社群網站簽約,做fraud probability generator。這個業者在嚴格的保密合約的約束下,高度專業地偵測社群網站的活動,並產出即時的警告給社群網站,後續動作則由社群網站自己決定。在這個情況下,現在這個請求項就可能無法對該業者主張直接侵權了,系統請求項跟次組合請求項說不定會有用呢。



為了克服這個核駁,Facebook做的事很簡單:在方法項中增加硬體限制條件 (以下底線紅字部分,就是答辯時新加入的部分):

1. A method comprising:
receiving, by a server of a social networking system, a request from a client device of a requesting user of the social networking system to establish a connection to a target user of the social networking system;
retrieving a user profile associated with the requesting user including information identifying characteristics of the requesting user and information for identifying users of the social networking system connected to the requesting user;
retrieving a user profile associated with the target user including information identifying characteristics of the target user and information for identifying users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
comparing data from the user profile associated with the requesting user with data from user profiles associated with one or more users of the social networking system connected to the target user;
calculating a fraud probability score based on the comparison, the fraud probability score indicating a likelihood that the requesting user is a duplicate of a user of the social networking system connected to the target user; and
performing, using at least one processor, an action affecting the request to establish the connection based on the fraud probability score.


這個過程很值得討論。有參加過我們之前關於軟體專利核駁答辯的討論的話,就會知道增加單純的硬體限制條件,對克服適格性的核駁幫助不大。就算在申請時通過了,在法院訴訟時也可能還是會有問題。其原因很簡單:如果請求項被認定為指向抽象概念,那麼單純地增加硬體限制條件,很可能會被認為並未增加美國聯邦最高法院在2014年的Alice案建立的兩部測試法中,第二步的「significantly more」。

Facebook這樣答辯的理由很簡單:審查委員就是這樣核駁的。審查委員的核駁理由,明白引用了「機器或轉換測試 (Machine or Transformation Test)」這個已經被聯邦最高法院認為「很有用但不是唯一測試」的觀念,而且還在其核駁理由中,明白表示「建議申請人在方法項中,明確包括使用了特定硬體。」當申請人碰到這種核駁,當然遵照指示辦理,而且基於降低禁反言的風險,別的話絕不會多說。


最後,這是一個社群網站的相關專利。所以以後請別問我「社群網站 (或是xx網站) 的東西可以申請專利嗎」這種問題了。Facebook已經拿到專利給你看了,不是嗎?



提出延續案的好處在此就不多贅述。重點是這個提出延續案的實務做法,在美國真的很常見。申請人只要覺得這個案子有一定的價值,就會願意再付一次規費,為這個案子申請延續案。有時候甚至會看到連續好幾個延續案的狀況。然後,延續案如果跟再領證案 (Reissue Patent) 交替運用,依目前的實務見解,效果會非常棒,棒到日後收到警告函的人,會覺得很難防禦。




最後,也是最根本的,是台灣廠商自己不覺得自己的申請案有多好,因此也懶得去申請延續案。這個問題是公司研發能力的問題。如果對延續案制度已經夠了解,公司也已經建立了專利運用潛在價值的評估模型,但一評估出來,發現公司的專利價值都偏低,那麼就應該檢討,公司研發創新能力是不是不高?如果不高,那麼是要提高創新能力呢 (這是大哉問),還是要將智財權的管理重點轉向營業秘密或著作權的管理呢 (這也是大哉問)?這些問題每個公司的答案都會不同,我是覺得幾乎不會有統一解答的。






