Google sues to protect Android device makers from Apple-backed patent hell (GigaOM)
首先,要提Declaratory Judgement,要件之一是原被告之間要有 "controversy",不是想提就提。這個法律問題我不是很懂,不過Google在起訴狀的第一段,嘗試回答了這個問題:
1. ... Rockstar’s litigation campaign has placed a cloud on Google’s Android platform; threatened Google’s business and relationships with its customers and partners, as well as its sales of Nexus-branded Android devices; and created a justiciable controversy between Google and Rockstar.
所以看起來,就算Rockstar沒有直接找上Google,但由於Rockstar的動作 "在Android平台上罩了一片烏雲",所以這就算是跟Google之間有controversy了。好吧,這聽起來好像也說的通。
8. ... On information and belief, Rockstar’s shareholders direct and participate in Rockstar’s licensing and enforcement efforts against companies in California. For example, Apple Inc. (“Apple”) is a large shareholder in closely-held Rockstar, and maintains a seat on Rockstar’s board of directors. Rockstar’s CEO has publicly stated that Rockstar maintains regular contact with its shareholders. Apple’s headquarters are in Cupertino, California.
9. ... On information and belief, Rockstar contacted and met with these California-based companies in order to discourage them from continuing to use Google’s Android platform in their devices, and to interfere with Google’s business relationships.
還有,大家記得當年包括Apple在內的幾家公司,是用45億美金標下北電的專利的嗎?依這份訴狀,其中Apple就出了26億 (真有錢啊):
13. In June 2011, five of the world’s largest technology companies—including Google competitors Apple, Research In Motion, and Microsoft—joined forces to obtain a portfolio of patents auctioned during the bankruptcy of Nortel Networks. Bankrolled by these companies, a manufactured entity called “Rockstar Bidco” placed the winning bid of $4.5 billion. According to Apple’s June 2011 Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Apple contributed “approximately $2.6 billion” of that sum.
最後,當年天價標出的原因,是大家認為北電網路的專利跟3G與4G相關。但是Rockstar現在拿出來起訴的專利,好像跟3G或4G是完全沒關係。比如US 5,838,551這篇,其實是跟EMI遮蔽技術相關:
29. In the Android OEM Actions, Rockstar accuses Android OEM defendants ASUS, HTC, Huawei, LG, Pantech, and Samsung of infringing the ’551 patent in that each “makes, uses, sells, offers for sale, imports, exports, supplies and/or distributes within the United States” devices incorporating Google’s Android platform, which devices allegedly include “at least one electronic package comprising a component that is located between an EMI shield and a ground member for performing shielding operations” where “[t]he EMI shield is incorporated into the electronic package, which is then mounted to a circuit board” in the accused devices. In its complaint against ASUS, which manufactures the Nexus 7, Rockstar specifically accuses the Nexus 7, a device offered for sale by Google.
值得注意的是,雖然這跟Android應該沒有什麼關聯,但Rockstar仍只挑Android產品打。當然,我們也可以說這只是Rockstar的訴訟策略:Nexus 7只是起訴用的產品而已,隨著訴訟的進行,Rockstar會陸續加入其它非Android的產品。
- US 5,838,551:電磁干擾遮蔽
- US 6,037,937:檢視不動產用的圖形使用者介面 (navigable graphical user interface (‘navigable GUI’) that permits a user to manipulate and control the contents of the display to maximize the use of display real estate.)
- US 6,128,298:行動熱點 (Mobile Hotspot functionality [which] is designed to route data packets between wireless devices tethered to the Mobile Hotspot to nodes on a public network such as the Internet.)
- US 6,333,973:整合訊息中心 (integrated notification message center.)
- US 6,463,131:訊息與通知功能 (Messaging and Notification functionality.)
- US 6,765,591:VPN的管理功能 (VPN management functionality.)
- US 6,937,572:定位服務功能 (Location Services functionality.)
還有,Google沒有直接參加Rockstar發起的那些專利侵權訴訟,原因有可能是因為Google提供了Android程式碼,卻不負任何專利侵權擔保責任。(這是不是寫在GPL裡面?我有點忘了。) 所以Google不需要直接參與多個訴訟 (這樣律師費很多),直接起一個新的訴訟就好 (律師費低的多),下游廠商們也沒有辦法把Google告進來 (比如這件)。唉,這就是產業的現實吧。