(本案已更新於Casebook: Fundamental Concepts的 "Extraterritorial Activity" 中。)
判決文:WesternGeco LLC v. ION Geophysical Corp., 585 U. S. ____ (2018)
Industry Reaction to WesternGeco LLC v. ION GeoPhysical (IPwatchdog, June 22, 2018)
Opinion analysis: Justices approve broad damage recovery for patent-infringing exports (SCOTUSblog, June 22, 2018)
Opinion analysis: Justices approve broad damage recovery for patent-infringing exports (SCOTUSblog, June 22, 2018)
之前CAFC第一次的判決文:WesternGeco LLC v. ION Geophysical Corp., 791 F. 3d 1340 (Fed. Cir., July 2, 2015)
之前CAFC第二次的判決文:WesternGeco LLC v. ION Geophysical Corp., 837 F. 3d 1358 (Fed. Cir., September 21, 2016)
訴訟打了三年多之後,在2012年8月16日,陪審團認定ION構成美國專利法271(f)(2)的侵權。關於損害賠償,陪審團判給WesternGeco 12,500,000美金的合理權利金,以及93,400,000美金的所失利益。所失利益包括WesternGeco的海外所失利益,總金額比合理權利金多很多。
ION上訴。聯邦巡迴上訴法院做出第一次判決,引用了自己2013年在Power Integration案的見解,駁回271(f)(2)部分的海外所失利益。聯邦巡迴上訴法院的主要理由之一,是雖然ION的出口行為構成了美國專利法271(f)(2)的侵權,但ION的客戶在海外使用DigiFIN的行為,並沒有侵害美國專利法,所以不應該讓WesternGeco可以請求這部分的海外所失利益:
[Our patent laws] do not thereby provide compensation for a defendant's foreign exploitation of a patented invention, which is not infringement at all....... "[T]he entirely extraterritorial production, use, or sale of an invention patented in the United States is an independent, intervening act that, under almost all circumstances, cuts off the chain of causation initiated by an act of domestic infringement."
(Power Integrations, 711 F.3d at 1371-1372.)
“Whoever without authority supplies or causes to be supplied in or from the United States any component of a patented invention that is especially made or especially adapted for use in the invention and not a staple article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use, where such component is uncombined in whole or in part, knowing that such component is so made or adapted and intending that such component will be combined outside of the United States in a manner that would infringe the patent if such combination occurred within the United States, shall be liable as an infringer.”
Upon finding for the claimant the court shall award the claimant damages adequate to compensate for the infringement, but in no event less than a reasonable royalty for the use made of the invention by the infringer, together with interest and costs as fixed by the court....
在解釋這兩條能否讓WesternGeco請求海外所失利益時,聯邦最高法院首先引用了RJR案的兩部測試法來判斷美國法律的境外效力 (RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Community, 579 U. S. ___, ___ (2016) (slip op., at 9))。第一步先判斷 "阻卻境外效力的推定是否已被推翻",如果沒被推翻,第二步判斷 "本案是否涉及法案的國內適用":
This Court has established a two-step framework for deciding questions of extraterritoriality. The first step asks “whether the presumption against extraterritoriality has been rebutted.” RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Community, 579 U. S. ___, ___ (2016) (slip op., at 9). It can be rebutted only if the text provides a “clear indication of an extraterritorial application.” Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd., 561 U. S. 247, 255 (2010). If the presumption against extraterritoriality has not been rebutted, the second step of our framework asks “whether the case involves a domestic application of the statute.” RJR Nabisco, 579 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at 9). Courts make this determination by identifying “the statute’s ‘focus’” and asking whether the conduct relevant to that focus occurred in United States territory. Ibid. If it did, then the case involves a permissible domestic application of the statute. See ibid.
本案聯邦最高法院直接判斷第二步。判斷第二步的重點,是所謂 "法案的焦點 (the statute’s ‘focus)"。如果與法案焦點相關的行為發生在美國境內,那麼本案就涉及可允許的國內適用,即使其他行為是發生在境外。但是,如果與法案焦點相關的行為是發生在其他國家,那本案就涉及不可允許的境外適用,就算有其他行為發生在美國領土:
“If the conduct relevant to the statute’s focus occurred in the United States, then the case involves a permissible domestic application” of the statute, “even if other conduct occurred abroad.” RJR Nabisco, 579 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at 9). But if the relevant conduct occurred in another country, “then the case involves an impermissible extraterritorial application regardless of any other conduct that occurred in U. S. territory.” Ibid.
基於這個基本觀念,首先,聯邦最高法院認為,本案的 "法案焦點" 在境內:284條的 "侵權" 是法案焦點:
Applying these principles here, we conclude that the conduct relevant to the statutory focus in this case is domestic. We begin with §284. It provides a general damages remedy for the various types of patent infringement identified in the Patent Act. The portion of §284 at issue here states that “the court shall award the claimant damages adequate to compensate for the infringement.” We conclude that “the infringement” is the focus of this statute.
Section 271(f)(2) focuses on domestic conduct. It provides that a company “shall be liable as an infringer” if it “supplies” certain components of a patented invention “in or from the United States” with the intent that they “will be combined outside of the United States in a manner that would infringe the patent if such combination occurred within the United States.” The conduct that §271(f)(2) regulates—i.e., its focus—is the domestic act of “suppl[ying] in or from the United States.”
因此,本案與法案焦點相關的行為 (ION的供貨行為) 很清楚地是發生在美國。所以,判給 WesternGeco所失利益是284條的境內適用:
The conduct in this case that is relevant to that focus clearly occurred in the United States, as it was ION’s domestic act of supplying the components that infringed WesternGeco’s patents. Thus, the lost-profits damages that were awarded to WesternGeco were a domestic application of §284.
聯邦最高法院的推論就這樣結束了,非常簡單,篇幅只有4頁。往後只要 "法案的焦點" 在國內,專利權人在境外的所失利益都可以請求 (包括被告的客戶在海外的使用行為)。這射程好遠啊。
比如,廠商若從美國出口零件到中國組裝成系統使用 (在本案中,ION的其中一個客戶就是中國的SOPGC (Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Geophysical Co.,Ltd)),構成了271(f)的侵害行為,那麼專利權人可能主張,中國客戶使用這個系統會造成其不需要跟專利權人購買系統,因此造成了美國專利權人在中國的損失利益。如果依本案的見解,美國法院是會支持專利權人的。
其次,須注意不同國家重複損害賠償問題。首先是銷售合約的擔保條款。例如,若WesternGeco在中國也有對應專利,那麼WesternGeco有沒有可能在中國,以中國專利再起訴ION的中國客戶 (例如SOPGC) 的使用行為侵害其中國專利?這時SOPGC一定會要求ION履行權利瑕疵擔保義務,這會不會造成ION就客戶在中國的使用行為重複賠償,在美國賠一次,在中國又因擔保SOPGC再賠一次?
這個問題比想像中複雜。首先SOPGC跟ION的合約,必須約定這種情況不落入專利侵權擔保的combination exception,上面的狀況才有可能發生。然後,合約的擔保條款中,才可能需要就美國271(f)這個獨步全球的境外間接侵權條款,規範 "同一個行為只擔保一次。" 至於條文字到底應該怎麼擬,就要看公司內部法務如何設計了。
最後,美國專利真是太好用了。一個請求項規畫的好的美國專利,有可能可以請求在海外的所失利益 (只要271(f)成立)。所以就算產品不賣美國,也應該考慮申請美國專利,其戰略目的有可能比原本想像的還要寬廣。