
2013年4月6日 星期六

大家不喜歡Patent Troll,真的不是沒有原因

Rackspace sues “most notorious patent troll in America” (Ars Technica)

Parallel Iron對Rackspace的專利侵權起訴狀 (Prior Smart) (2013/3/18)
Rackspace對Parallel Iron的違反合約起訴狀 (Scribd) (2013/4/4)

Federal Judge Rules 'Patent Troll' Must Pay $3.8 Million in Attorney Fees (Law.com) (2008/6/19)

Renaissance Learning起訴狀 -- Wisconsin District Court的Order (Patent Lawyer Blog) (2011/11/29)

2010年12月時,Rackspace收到來自IP Nav的函,主張Rackspace的某些產品侵害了其 "不具名的客戶 (unidentified client)" 的美國專利。IP Nav要求Rackspace先簽署一份 "Confidentiality and Forbearance Agreement",再進行授權的談判事宜。

由於不清楚IP Nav所主張的實質內容,Rackspace與IP Nav以及其 "不具名的客戶" 簽署了Forbearance Agreement,約定除非30天前通知對方終止談判,否則不會向對方起訴。簽約之後,IP Nav提出了三個專利以及一個專利申請案的案號。由於這四件專利的最終受讓人都是Parallel Iron,Rackspace認為合約中所謂的 "不具名的客戶" 就是指Parallel Iron。


2013年3月18日,Parallel Iron對Rackspace起訴,主張專利侵權 (這是它提起的一連串專利侵權訴訟的第23件)。Rackspace認為Parallel Iron違反了之前所簽署的Forbearance Agreement,因此也對Parallel Iron起訴,主張其違反之前簽署的Forbearance Agreement。具體所請求的救濟如下:

57. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Rackspace US, Inc. prays that the Court grant the following relief:
a) Declare that Rackspace has not infringed, has not contributed to infringement of, and has not induced infringement of any claims of the patent in suit, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents;
b) Enjoin Parallel Iron and IPNav, their officers, directors, servants,managers, employees, agents, successors and assignees, and all persons inactive concert or participation with any of them, from directly or indirectly charging Rackspace with infringement of any claim of the patents-in-suit;
c) Award Rackspace damages in the form of its reasonable and necessary attorneys’ fees and costs in defending Parallel Iron’s premature lawsuit in violation of the Forbearance Agreement pursuant to Chapter 38 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code and under equitable principles;
d) Award Rackspace its reasonable and necessary attorneys’ fees and costs incurred prosecuting its breach of contract claim pursuant to Chapter 38 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code;
e) Declare this case exceptional under 35 U.S.C. § 285 and award Rackspace its reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and costs incurred prosecuting its declaratory judgment actions; and
f) Award Rackspace such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.


IP Nav的創辦人,Erich Spangenberg,擅長以專利訴訟為手段,將專利金錢化。除了IP Nav之外,他成立過許多空殼公司進行專利訴訟。


比如之前他成立了Orion IP,並對許多公司提出專利訴訟,主張這些公司架設的網站侵害了他的專利。Daimler Chrysler因此付了2.3M 美金和解。結果他又成立另一家Taurus IP,又對Daimler Chrysler起訴,主張其網站的同一個功能專利侵權。

這次Daimler Chrysler火了,反訴breach of warranty。最後法官在2008年,判Orion IP必須賠償Daimler Chrysler 3.8M的律師費,且Orion IP不得再移轉專利給別人。(詳情請見上面Law.com的連結。)

這次的IP Nav事件,據猜測也是由Erich Spangenberg主導。不過,關於 "根本連專利權人跟專利號碼都不知道" 此一狀況,並不是所有人都願意簽Forbearance Agreement的。2011年時,Renaissance Learning就選擇另一條路:對不知名的 "DOE No.1" 起訴,並聲請Wisconsin州地院發Subpoena給IP Nav,要求IP Nav揭露專利權人跟專利號碼。IP Nav採取的策略,是在德州法院主張Wisconsin州法院對這件事沒有管轄權,為此Wisconson州地院還特別作出裁定說 "我認為我有管轄權"。(詳情請見上面兩個關於Renaissance Learning的連結。)

現在看起來,IP Nav與Parallel Iron也不打算遵守自己簽的Forbearance Agreement。這次換Rackspace發火了。看來Erich Spangenberg又玩過頭了。

大家不喜歡Patent Troll,真的不是沒有原因。



