
2015年12月30日 星期三


Microsoft patents a slider, earning EFF’s “Stupid Patent of the Month” award (ArsTechnica, Dec. 30, 2015)

Plaintiff Microsoft Corporation's Complaint for Patent Infringement (N.D.Cal., Dec. 18, 2015)

Microsoft在本月18日以5個發明專利與四個設計專利起訴Corel Corp. 與Corel Inc.的軟體侵害其專利權。以下簡單地整理Microsoft是主張Corel軟體的那些部分侵權,並附上專利原文的連結方便大家交叉參考。這樣做有幾個目的。


8. A computer-implemented publishing application executable on a processor to direct the processor to perform the steps of the computer-implemented method as recited in claim 1.
Microsoft真的很敢寫耶。關於這一項,被告應該可以考慮Pre-answer motion to dismiss的訴訟策略吧。

其次,如果有打算起訴別人專利侵權的話,訴狀的撰寫可以參考Microsoft的這份訴狀。在今年12月1日起訴狀的標準變更之後,Microsoft的這份訴狀可說是四平八穩,指出了請求項的項次,以及的侵權產品的對應特徵。這作法應該會符合Twombly案的 "合理性標準 (plausibility standard)"。詳情請參考我之前的分析建議

最後,如果這個案子持續下去,有許多法律的爭點可以觀察。除了專利適格性的問題之外,軟體設計專利的損害賠償計算也是個問題。比如說,侵害了Microsoft一個縮放條的設計專利,損害賠償會不會需要以整套Corel Home Office的價格為基礎計算呢?之前聯邦巡迴上訴法院說 "是",一堆人跳出來說不合理,Samsung也就此問題上訴最高法院了。大家就拭目以待吧。


US 8,255,828 (“Command user interface for displaying selectable software functionality controls”) 
The ’828 Accused Products provide Ribbon menus with logically grouped controls whose layout can be dynamically adjusted, for example as shown below:
Users of computing devices, including, for example, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, who use, test, sell, license, offer for sale within the United States and/or import into the United States the ’828 Accused Products on such devices, have infringed and continue to infringe at least claim 1 of the ’828 patent.

US 7,703,036 (“User interface for displaying selectable software functionality controls that are relevant to a selected object”)
The ’036 Accused Products provide Ribbon menus with logically grouped controls that provide additional controls upon selection of an object for editing, for example as shown below:
Users of computing devices, including, for example, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, who use, test, sell, license, offer for sale within the United States and/or import into the United States the ’036 Accused Products on such devices, have infringed and continue to infringe at least claim 1 of the ’036 patent.

US 7,047,501 (“Method for displaying controls in a system using a graphical user interface”)
The ’501 Accused Products allow the user to customize a command bar by dragging and dropping controls from a list, for example as shown below:
Users of computing devices, including, for example, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, who use, test, sell, license, offer for sale within the United States and/or import into the United States the ’501 Accused Products on such devices, have infringed and continue to infringe at least claim 9 of the ’501 patent.

US 5,715,415 (“Computer application with help pane integrated into workspace”)
The ’415 Accused Products display help content in a pane that is part of the application window and does not take the focus away from the window, for example as shown below:
Users of computing devices, including, for example, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, who use, test, sell, license, offer for sale within the United States and/or import into the United States the ’415 Accused Products on such devices, have infringed and continue to infringe at least claims 1-3, 8, and 10 of the ’415 patent.

US 5,510,980 (“Method and system for selecting and executing arithmetic functions and the like”)
The ’980 Accused Products allow the software to automatically select cells in a spreadsheet to perform a sum function, for example as shown below:
Users of computing devices, including, for example, desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, who use, test, sell, license, offer for sale within the United States and/or import into the United States the ’980 Accused Products on such devices, have infringed at least claim 1 of the ’980 patent.

US D550,237 (“User interface for a portion of a display screen”)
Corel Home Office, including Corel Write, Corel Calculate, and Corel Show... incorporate a user interface for a portion of a display screen identical to the D’237 patented design, for example as shown below:

US D554,140 (“User interface for a portion of a display screen”)
Corel Home Office, including Corel Write, Corel Calculate, and Corel Show ... incorporate a user interface for a portion of a display screen identical to the D’140 patented design, for example as shown below:

US D564,532 (“User interface for a portion of a display screen”)
CorelCAD 2014 - 2016 ... incorporates a user interface for a portion of a display screen identical to the D’532 patented design, for example as shown below:

US D570,865 (“User interface for a portion of a display screen”)
Corel Home Office, including Corel Write, Corel Calculate, and Corel Show ... that incorporates a user interface for a portion of a display screen identical to the D’865 patented design, for example as shown below:



