
2013年1月27日 星期日

News: Affidavit by MPEG LA chief supports Microsoft's interpretation of Google patent license agreements

Patent News of the Day:

Motorola與Microsoft之間的專利訴訟,其中最大的爭點,是Motorola的工業標準相關專利,相對應的FRAND Term究竟應該怎麼訂。或者,更直接的說,是權利金究竟該繳多少。

依FOSS Patent的報導,2013/1/23 MPEG LA的總裁Lawrence Horn就此問題送了一份文件進法院,揭露了Google與MPEG LA簽署的專利授權合約的內容。其中的重點有兩個:

1. Google-MPEG LA合約的中Grant-back clause涵蓋了Google的關係企業

在文件中以相當多的篇幅,解釋MPEG LA的授權人們當初在擬約時,是如何刻意把 "Affiliate" 放進Grant-back clause裡的。連2004年的email都找出來當附件送進去了。


8.3 Licensee Grant. Upon full execution of this Agreement, Licensee agrees to grant a worldwide, nonexclusive license and/or sublicense (commensurate to the scope of the licenses which Licensee has selected hereunder) under any and all AVC Essential Patent(s) that Licensee and its Affiliates, if any, have the right to licensor and/or sublicense, to any Licensor or any sublicensee of the Licensing Administrator desiring such a license and/or sublicense on fair and reasonable terms and conditions. For purposes of this Section 8.3 only, the Licensors' per patent share of royalties which are payable pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement shall be presumed to be a fair and reasonable royalty rate for the aforementioned license and/or sublicense to be granted by the Licensee.

"Affiliate" 則包括了 "現在與往後" 的控制超過50%的法律實體:

1.1 Affiliate - Shall mean a Legal Entity which now or hereinafter, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Licensee. The term "control" as used in this Section 1.1 shall mean (a) ownership of more than 50% of the outstanding shares representing the right to vote for directors or other managing officers of Licensee or such Legal Entity; or (b) a relationship similar to that described in Subsection 1.1(a) deemed by the Licensing Administrator in its sole discretion to represent "control." An entity shall be deemed an Affiliate only so long as such "control" exists.

所以在Google簽約後,才成為其關係企業的Motorola,看起來是很有可能被此合約的Grant-back clause涵蓋。

2. Google-MPEG LA合約中的權利金算法,被推定為是Grant-back license的權利金算法

更重要的,是如果Motorola被這個合約的Grant-back clause所涵蓋,那麼連權利金該怎麼計算 (也就是Motorola-Microsoft訴訟的主要爭點),這個合約都已經約定好了 -- 推定採用本合約授權人的分錢方式計算:

8.3 Licensee Grant. Upon full execution of this Agreement, Licensee agrees to grant a worldwide, nonexclusive license and/or sublicense (commensurate to the scope of the licenses which Licensee has selected hereunder) under any and all AVC Essential Patent(s) that Licensee and its Affiliates, if any, have the right to licensor and/or sublicense, to any Licensor or any sublicensee of the Licensing Administrator desiring such a license and/or sublicense on fair and reasonable terms and conditions. For purposes of this Section 8.3 only, the Licensors' per patent share of royalties which are payable pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement shall be presumed to be a fair and reasonable royalty rate for the aforementioned license and/or sublicense to be granted by the Licensee.

所以,從Microsoft的觀點,它不是不願意付權利金給Motorola,而是應該按照Google-MPEG LA的合約裡的算法付。由於MPEG LA這個專利池有很多授權人,每個授權人分到的權利金應該不高,所以Microsoft認為Motorola照這個條件應該收的錢,應該不多才對。




1. 合約相關文件的保存

MPEG LA這次揭露的,是九年前擬約過程相關的email呢。關於擬約過程的文件,包括email等,很明顯MPEG LA都保存地很好。(當然了,它是專業的專利授權管理公司啊~)


2. 專利策略相關的Due Diligence

這點跟大家推薦有物報告的內容。只能說,Due Diligence要作的好真的很難啊。

3. 專利授權合約的審閱

我想Google自己應該都沒想到,這個合約後續會造成這個後果吧。除了專利授權合約以外,在很多其它合約中,比如軟體授權合約、代工合約、會員合約、物料買賣合約等等,有時都會藏著grant-back clause。往後審閱相關條款時,真是要特別小心。

台灣廠商很多都以作生意賺錢優先,不去考慮IP grant-back clause會造成的影響。當然這很難講是好是壞,只是如果各種IP grant-back clause一律都接受,那日後當自己真的產出好專利時,也不能怪公司擬不出好的專利策略了。



