
2013年7月13日 星期六

News: UK Supreme Court overturns law on patent infringement damages

July 4, 2013


Virgin Atlantic Airways在英國訴Zodiac Seats專利侵權,並在二審時勝訴。同一時間被告在歐洲專利局舉發原告的專利無效,但很明顯英國法院並沒有暫停訴訟,等待歐洲專利局的舉發結果。更慘的是,歐洲專利局的舉發程序還因為冰島火山的爆發而被迫延期。

在二審勝訴之後,這個案子因故 (程序上的詳情請見判決文第11-12段) 上訴到最高法院的請求被拒。然而,在這之後,歐洲專利局判定原告主張侵權的申請專利範圍無效。也就是說,理論上被告就無所謂侵害專利權的問題了。

被告於是要求二審法院修改其之前的判決 (請見判決文第13段)。二審法院就損害賠償的部份拒絕修改,原因是之前的判決已經是終局判決了。被告就這個二審法院拒絕修改的先前判決的決定,上訴到英國最高法院。

這個上訴其實不是專利侵權訴訟案的上訴,而是針對二審法院拒絕修改之前判決的上訴。所以這個案子的重點,除了判斷被告到底是否需要負損害賠償責任之外,還必須先處理一個問題:二審法院關於 "之前宣告專利有效且侵權的判決,在專利修改之後,既判力持續拘束當事人" 這個說法正確嗎

The fundamental question is whether Zodiac is entitled to contend upon the enquiry as to damages that there have been no damages because the patent has been retrospectively amended so as to remove the claims held to have been infringed.  This depends on whether the Court of Appeal was right to say that its order declaring the patent to be valid continued to bind the parties per rem judicatam notwithstanding that the  patent was later amended on the footing that it was not valid in the relevant respects."


這個案子重要的原因,是二審法院其實是遵循長久以來所謂的 "Unilin原則":

[A] patentee whose patent has been held to be valid is entitled to claim damages for its infringement without regard to a subsequent revocation of the patent.



In my opinion Poulton is no longer good law, and Coflexip was wrongly decided.  It follows that Unilin was also wrongly decided because it proceeded on the premise of the law stated in Coflexip.



I would allow the appeal and declare that Zodiac are entitled to rely on the amendment of Virgin’s patent in answer to their claim for damages on the enquiry. 




至於在台灣,就專利有效且權利被侵害的確定終局判決,嗣後若專利被舉發無效確定,應該是可以提民事訴訟法第496條第11款的再審之訴。而且不管是被告去舉發,或第三人的舉發,都可以喔。關於這點請參考 "司法院 98 年智慧財產法律座談會提案及研討結果民事訴訟類 第 10 號"。



