
2015年8月11日 星期二

ITC has authority to block products infringed after importation -- SUPREMA, INC. v. ITC (en banc) (Fed. Cir., August 10, 2015)

SUPREMA, INC. v. ITC (en banc) (Fed. Cir., August 10, 2015)

En Banc Federal Circuit: USITC Has power to Stop Non-Infringing Imports if used to Induce Infringement in the US (PatentlyO, August 10, 2015)



Suprema是一家販賣指紋掃描器的韓國廠商。它出給美國的Mentalix的貨,是指紋掃描器的硬體,以及相關的軟體開發工具 (SDK,software development kit)。Mentalix進口了硬體與SDK之後,再用SDK開發出控制指紋掃描器的軟體FedSubmit,然後在美國境內銷售附有FedSubmit軟體的把指紋掃描器。

Cross Match主張Mentalix銷售的指紋掃描器侵害了其美國專利,並於2010年5月請求ITC展開調查。在Cross Match主張的專利中,其中一項是US 7,203,344的第19項權利範圍。這是一項方法項,只有使用者在使用指紋掃描器時,才會直接侵害這項權利範圍:
19. A method for capturing and processing a fingerprint image, the method comprising:
(a) scanning one or more fingers;
(b) capturing data representing a corresponding fingerprint image;
(c) filtering the fingerprint image;

ITC在經過調查後,認為專利侵權成立,因此發出了禁制令,禁止Suprema與Mentalix的侵權產品進口美國。針對上述的第19項權利範圍,ITC認為Suprema成立引誘侵權,Mentalix成立直接侵權 -- 兩者都發生在產品進口之後,而非進口當下或進口之前


Suprema針對ITC的禁制令上訴到聯邦巡迴上訴法院。在2013年時,聯邦巡迴上訴法院第一次作出判決。針對US 7,203,344的第19項,當年聯邦巡迴上訴法院的合議庭認為,ITC不能頒發禁制令,因為被告Suprema是成立間接侵權中的引誘侵權,而引誘侵權的成立要件之一,是有人直接侵權。直接侵權是在產品進口之後,有人使用產品才會發生,所以產品在進口的當下引誘侵權還沒成立,不符合法條中 "articles that infringe" 的要件
Given the nature of the conduct proscribed in § 271(b) and the nature of the authority granted to the Commission in § 337, we hold that the statutory grant of authority in § 337 cannot extend to the conduct proscribed in § 271(b) where the acts of underlying direct infringement occur post-importation. Section 337(a)(1)(B)(i) grants the Commission authority to deal with the "importation," "sale for importation," or "sale within the United States after importation" of "articles that ... infringe a valid and enforceable U.S. patent." The patent laws essentially define articles that infringe in § 271(a) and (c), and those provisions' standards for infringement ... must be met at or before importation in order for the articles to be infringing when imported. Section 271(b) makes unlawful certain conduct (inducing infringement) that becomes tied to an article only through the underlying direct infringement. Prior to the commission of any direct infringement, for purposes of inducement of infringement, there are no "articles that ... infringe" — a prerequisite to the Commission's exercise of authority based on § 337(a)(1)(B)(i). Consequently, we hold that the Commission lacked the authority to enter an exclusion order directed to Suprema's scanners premised on Suprema's purported induced infringement of the method claimed in the '344 patent.
Suprema, Inc. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 742 F.3d 1350, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2013).

現在聯邦巡迴上訴法院的全院庭審 (en banc) 判決

聯邦巡迴上訴法院受理了專利權人要求全院庭審重新審理的請求,並在重新審理後,10個法官以6票贊成,4票反對 (兩位法官沒有投票),推翻了先前的判決。有趣的是,2013年的合議庭判決文,執筆的是O’Malley法官,Reyna寫了不同意見書;這次全院庭審剛好倒過來,判決文的執筆法官是Reyna法官,換成O’Malley法官寫不同意見書。

聯邦巡迴上訴法院推翻先前的判決的主要理由,是 "行政單位可以自己解釋法律的意思。" 在本案中,聯邦巡迴上訴法院依最高法院1984年在 Chevron 案 (Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984)) 中建構的框架,審視ITC對法條的解釋有沒有問題。由於依Chevron框架,審視的結果是合理,所以聯邦巡迴上訴法院決定尊重ITC對法條中 "articles that infringe" 的解釋結果:
We hold that the Commission’s interpretation that the phrase “articles that infringe” covers goods that were used by an importer to directly infringe post-importation as a result of the seller’s inducement is reasonable.


美國知名的專利部落格PatentlyO的作者Dennis Crouch馬上對本案作出了評論。他認為聯邦巡迴上訴法院作出見解的方法 -- 不自己解釋法條,而選擇尊重ITC的解釋結果 -- 跟大家想的都不一樣:
At this point, most patent law readers would expect for the Federal Circuit to weigh the statutory language and consider which of the argued interpretations is correct.  Somewhat surprisingly, that is not the approach taken. (Emphasis original.)
他並猜測這個案子如果沒投票的兩位法官有投票的話,結果可能會不一樣 (如果投票是6比6平手,那麼必須維持原判):
Decision could have gone the other way if Judges Moore and Stoll had participated (and sided with the dissent).
ITC庭審律師協會 (ITC Trial Lawyers Association) 則表示:聯邦巡迴上訴法院的見解,跟我們送進去的意見書的見解是一致的
The CAFC's decision is in accord with the amicus brief submitted by the Association.  A copy of the Association's brief can be found here.



