
2013年7月30日 星期二

Google, Amazon Prevail in Web Tech Patent Fight With Eolas

新聞原文在這 (PCMag, July 23, 2013)
CAFC Per Curiam Judement (July 22, 2013)

當年Wired.com的新聞報導 (February 9, 2012)

Eolas這家公司聲稱其擁有 "互動式網頁" 的專利,並於2003年訴Microsoft專利侵權。當年Microsoft在法院與USPTO都嘗試主張其專利無效,不過都失敗,最後只好和解。

接著Eolas於2009年,又對包括Amazon及Google等多家公司於德州地院。這次的被告們卯起來,找出第一個Unix系統的網頁瀏覽器 "Viola" 的發明人,以及WWW的發明人Tim Berners-Lee出來作證,主張Eolas的專利無效。


瀏覽器 "Viola" 的發明人是Pei-Yuan Wei (魏培源),他是台灣人喔。當年他還是加州大學的學生呢。真是辛苦他了。

Lawyer Explains How To Bag A Patent Troll At Trial

新聞原文連結在這 (Forbes, July 23, 2013)
Texas Jury Verdict連結在這


在與另一個patent troll "Intellect Wireless" 的訴訟Discovery過程中,HTC發現Intellect Wireless與Motorola雖然簽署了5M的授權合約,但Intellect Wireless另外在另一個合約中跟Motorola約定,如果它跟其它人收到了一定金額的權利金,那它就把5M退還給Motorola。


1. 原來授權還可以這樣談。(不過,應該是只有第一個簽約者才能這樣談吧。) 以後看到 "誰誰誰又簽了什麼授權合約",請不要太相信,有可能內情並不單純。

2. 美國訴訟的discovery真的要小心,什麼東西都會被揭露出去......然後被新聞記者知道。

3. 如果真的要這樣談,要把回饋的金額想辦法放在別的地方。(至於放在哪怎麼放,請大家用點創造力吧。)

FTC Finalizes Settlement in Google Motorola Mobility Case

FTC Final Order原文

之前FTC針對Google的關係企業Motorola Mobility對其它公司主張工業標準相關專利,並申請禁制令一事,展開了調查,並於今年1月擬訂了Order,以及與Google的和解合約 (相關資料整理在這) 。在審酌了25份公眾意見之後,ITC於7月23日提出了最終版本的Order,並公開說明了針對哪邊作出了修改。


2013年7月23日 星期二


Drafting License Agreements: Agreement Unenforceable Post-Patent-Expiration Even When Contract Says Otherwise
(PatentlyO, July 18, 2013)



The rule that follows, in relevant part, is that a license for inseparable patent and non-patent rights involving royalty payments that extends beyond a patent term is unenforceable for the post-expiration period unless the agreement provides a discount for the non-patent rights from the patent-protected rate. This is because—in the absence of a discount or other clear indication that the license was in no way subject to patent leverage—we presume that the post-expiration royalty payments are for the then-current patent use, which is an improper extension of the patent monopoly under Brulotte.

這其實不是新的觀念,但審約法務們可能還是需要注意一下。如果跟別人簽 "混合型" 的授權合約,比如專利授權+技術移轉等等,必須小心權利金的約定,必須日後能夠讓人區分專利的授權金與其它的授權金。如果不能區分,那麼專利到期之後的權利金約定,除非有discount,不然無法依合約主張。


ITC releases public version of the Commission opinion (and dissent) in Samsung-Apple case (337-TA-794)
(http://essentialpatentblog.com/, July 8, 2013)

ITC的 Commission Opinion (Public Version) 在這

儘管大家好像都覺得,工業標準專利權人不應該聲請禁制令禁止被告出貨,ITC前陣子針對Samsung v. Apple案,還是發出了Exclusion Order。現在這個Order的公開版本出來了,大家終於可以了解Commission的邏輯了。


  • 蘋果沒有說明ITC為什麼不能對工業標準專利的侵權展開調查:
Apple has not offered any statutory construction that demonstrates that the Commission per se cannot investigate violations of section 337 based on infringement of a declared-essential patent.   (第46頁第8-10行)
  • 蘋果沒有指出合約爭議的基本要件 (FRAND爭議本質上是合約爭議):
Apple has not identified the basic elements necessary to prove a contract: the parties, the offer, the acceptance, the consideration, and definite terms. "In the absence of contractual intent or sufficiently definite terms, no contractual obligations arise."    (第48頁第10-13行)
  • 蘋果沒有提出所謂的FRAND的解釋:
Apple failed to preserve an argument as to the proper legal interpretation of the FRAND declarations at issue in this investigation.   (第48頁最後一行)
  • 三星的FRAND聲明是依法國法!蘋果沒講依法國法三星的FRAND爭議怎麼處理:
Samsung's declarations to ETSI state that "[t]he construction, validity and performance of this DECLARATION shall be governed by the laws of France." ... at the hearing in this investigation Apple presented no evidence of how "the laws of France" would view Samsung's obligations with respect to declared-essential patents in this forum....    (第49頁第9-11行以及最後三行)
  • 其實蘋果還爭執三星的專利不是工業標準相關,但這個事實問題雙方沒有要ITC解決:
Apple argued to the ALJ that the '348 and '644 patents are not essential....  A factual dispute on this point clearly exists among the parties, but no party asked the ALJ to resolve this dispute. (第50頁第12-19行)

蘋果的律師通常都很厲害呀,怎麼這次這家 (WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE AND DORR LLP ) 看起來犯了很多錯誤?


這邊有一個重點:Commission覺得所謂FRAND權利金是 "談出來的",所以即使三星的offer有點高,只要還在好好談,就沒有違反FRAND義務:

... satisfaction of the obligation flowing from a FRAND declaration is not measured by a specific offer, "be it an initial offer or an offer during a back-and-forth negotiation." Microsoft Corp. v. Motorola, Inc., 864 F.Supp.2d 1023, 1038 (W.D. Wash. 2012). Thus, even if it were true that a FRAND agreement that requires Apple to pay Samsung ultimately is not reasonable (an issue on which we have no opinion), the offers that Apple criticizes do not necessarily demonstrate that Samsung has violated its FRAND obligations by failing to negotiate in good faith.  (第62頁第10-16行)

這點我覺得不合理。這個意思是說,工業標準相關專利權人可以隨便喊價 (比如10%),都不會違反FRAND義務,因為他只需要說 "來來來我們好好談" 就好了 -- 然後一直談不下來。現在Apple跟Samsung感覺就是這個狀況。

最後,關於公眾利益 (Public interests),這邊有個重點:後續蘋果的產品改用Qualcomm的chipsets,這些都不會被擋,所以後續影響很小:

... at any Apple products that use a Qualcomm baseband processor for cellular network connectivity should not be barred from entry. Later Apple products, including the iPhone 5 and iPad 3, use Qualcomm baseband processors. Thus, it appears that an exclusionary remedy will have no effect on those later generation Apple products.   (第109頁倒數四行)


這個Commission Opinion很長,其它內容有興趣者請參閱原文。別忘記它有個不同意見書喔。

2013年7月16日 星期二


Has Patent, Will Sue: An Alert to Corporate America
(www.nytimes.com, July 13, 2013)


IPNav曾經把相同技術的不同專利,分別以兩家紙上公司持有,先用第一家公司起訴,和解後再用第二家公司起訴 (苦主是克萊斯勒)。過去5年來,IPNav發動了1,638件專利訴訟,目前正在進行中的訴訟超過一百件。


這篇文章也分析了patent troll對美國產業的影響,以及美國包括法院、政府與個人 (包括達拉斯小牛隊的老闆Mark Cuban) 所採取的因應措施。

最後值得注意的,是IPNav跟另一家patent troll Parallel Iron的拆帳模式:IPNav付給Parallel Iron 25萬美金 (讓Parallel Iron免於破產的危機),取得於一段時間內獨家金錢化其專利的權利。如果有和解金或損害賠償收入,Parallel Iron分得42.5%,其它由IPNav與其律師拆分。

How a Typical Patent Battle Took an Unexpected Turn
(www.nytimes.com, July 13, 2013)


發明人Peter Braxton想出一個可以改變排隊佇列順序的APP "Jump Rope",並籌資了25萬美元打算將其商品化。結果公司一開張就被一家叫 "Smart Options" 的patent troll告,而且好不容易勝訴後,Smart Options聲稱它打算拿另一篇專利再告。這導致Peter Braxton的新創公司經營不下去。

這時Peter Braxton找上了IPNav。IPNav承諾幫忙解決這個訴訟問題。至於解決的方法,據Smart Options的老闆回憶,是派律師去恐赫Smart Options。

最後,Peter Braxton與IPNav談成的條件,是IPNav投資Jump Rope 20萬美金,處理所有Jump Rope的訴訟問題,以及持有公司40%的股權。

2013年7月13日 星期六


Court dismisses patent infringement lawsuit against E Ink
(Boston.com, July 10, 2013)



根據Copytele的說法,2011年友達跟Copytele就EPD (electrophoretic display,電泳顯示器) 與nFED  (nano field emission display) 技術,簽署了兩份專利專屬授權合約,友達付權利金給Copytele,取得專屬被授權,包含起訴的權利 (訴狀的Exhinit A有合約全文,請見3.1條)。

兩份合約還約定,雙方會簽署一份共同開發合約,且會盡力 (best effort) 共同開發相關產品。(Exhinit A的6.12條)。

然而,在Copylete花了七個月開發出nFED產品後,友達卻四個月沒動作。然後在2012年4月,友達通知Copylete要終止關於eFED技術共同開發的資助。同年8月,友達以5千萬美金將電泳顯示器部門賣給了E ink,並將Copylete的專利sublicense給E ink。

Copytele認為它被友達騙了,於是在今年一月對友達起訴。接著在對友達發出終止合約的通知之後,對E ink也提出專利侵權訴訟。然而,北加州法院認為Copytele當事人不適格 (因為專利權已獨家授權給友達了),所以撤銷了其對E ink的專利訴訟。


Wi-Lan Thrives Despite Threat of Patent-Lawsuit Crackdown
(bloomberg.com, July 9, 2013)

Wi-Lan的股價在跟Samsung簽約之後,一天就漲了11%。不過最近美國針對patent troll的一系列行動,可能讓一些patent troll的投資者,開始擔心patent troll的股價會不會受影響吧。

Wi-Lan於是跳出來精神喊話,認為這些行動對Wi-Lan反而是好的,因為一些低品質專利的patent troll會被濾掉,而Wi-Lan是真的有技術、有好專利的公司,所以不會受影響。


Investor-Friendly Patent Monetization: A Marathon, Not A Sprint‎
(seekingalpha.com, July 9, 2013)

這篇文章的前半部簡單地解釋了專利鑑價的基本概念,值得參考。不過後半部變成在推薦特定的patent troll股票了......所以請只看前半部就好。

Treehouse Targets Indie Studio with Threat of Patent Infringement Lawsuit
(Game Poloitics, July 8, 2013)

警告函附的claim chart

Treehouse Avatar Technologies這個patent troll發了警告函給一個小的線上免費遊戲廠商,結果這個小廠把這個消息報給新聞媒體公開。消息一出,不免又引起大家對patent troll的一陣抱怨。

其實之前這個patent troll就告過其它遊戲廠商了 (訴狀在這)。不過告大廠所造成的反彈似乎比較小,對小廠商發函的反彈比較大。

順便一提,Treehouse Avatar Technologies的律師針對此事,也作出了正式的回應。這個回應還蠻制式的。有心想當patent troll的律師的人,可以參考看看喔。

News: UK Supreme Court overturns law on patent infringement damages

July 4, 2013


Virgin Atlantic Airways在英國訴Zodiac Seats專利侵權,並在二審時勝訴。同一時間被告在歐洲專利局舉發原告的專利無效,但很明顯英國法院並沒有暫停訴訟,等待歐洲專利局的舉發結果。更慘的是,歐洲專利局的舉發程序還因為冰島火山的爆發而被迫延期。

在二審勝訴之後,這個案子因故 (程序上的詳情請見判決文第11-12段) 上訴到最高法院的請求被拒。然而,在這之後,歐洲專利局判定原告主張侵權的申請專利範圍無效。也就是說,理論上被告就無所謂侵害專利權的問題了。

被告於是要求二審法院修改其之前的判決 (請見判決文第13段)。二審法院就損害賠償的部份拒絕修改,原因是之前的判決已經是終局判決了。被告就這個二審法院拒絕修改的先前判決的決定,上訴到英國最高法院。

這個上訴其實不是專利侵權訴訟案的上訴,而是針對二審法院拒絕修改之前判決的上訴。所以這個案子的重點,除了判斷被告到底是否需要負損害賠償責任之外,還必須先處理一個問題:二審法院關於 "之前宣告專利有效且侵權的判決,在專利修改之後,既判力持續拘束當事人" 這個說法正確嗎

The fundamental question is whether Zodiac is entitled to contend upon the enquiry as to damages that there have been no damages because the patent has been retrospectively amended so as to remove the claims held to have been infringed.  This depends on whether the Court of Appeal was right to say that its order declaring the patent to be valid continued to bind the parties per rem judicatam notwithstanding that the  patent was later amended on the footing that it was not valid in the relevant respects."


這個案子重要的原因,是二審法院其實是遵循長久以來所謂的 "Unilin原則":

[A] patentee whose patent has been held to be valid is entitled to claim damages for its infringement without regard to a subsequent revocation of the patent.



In my opinion Poulton is no longer good law, and Coflexip was wrongly decided.  It follows that Unilin was also wrongly decided because it proceeded on the premise of the law stated in Coflexip.



I would allow the appeal and declare that Zodiac are entitled to rely on the amendment of Virgin’s patent in answer to their claim for damages on the enquiry. 




至於在台灣,就專利有效且權利被侵害的確定終局判決,嗣後若專利被舉發無效確定,應該是可以提民事訴訟法第496條第11款的再審之訴。而且不管是被告去舉發,或第三人的舉發,都可以喔。關於這點請參考 "司法院 98 年智慧財產法律座談會提案及研討結果民事訴訟類 第 10 號"。


2013年7月6日 星期六


蘋果為什麼要先在「牙買加」申請 iWatch 商標?
(TechOrange, July 4, 2013)

這篇文章跟專利無關,但仍值得一看。作者認為Apple在牙買加先申請的原因,是因為牙買加的商標申請資訊,網路上查不到。因此一開始大家不會知道Apple申請了 "iWatch" 這個商標,直到六個月後主張國際優先權在其它國家提出申請時,大家才會知道。這個策略值得學習。


Google pays German patent appeals judge $450 per hour for involvement in Microsoft FRAND case
(FOSSPatents, July 4, 2013)

Motorola跟Microsoft在美國跟德國都在打關於FRAND權利金怎麼計算的官司。知名部落格FOSSPatents的作者Florian Mueller發現,Motorola就美國的訴訟,聘了德國上訴法院的現任法官作專家證人,每個小時450美金。



France's sovereign patent fund goes to war in Germany
(IAM-Magazine, July 4, 2013)

法國於2011年成立的專利基金France Brevets在德國對某美國公司提起了專利侵權訴訟。這個案子之所以受囑目,在於它是主權基金 (sovereign fund),背後是國家出錢在買專利,並進行專利金錢化,所以等同於 "國家級的Patent Troll" 出現了。


Why Didn't The Creator Of Hashtag Patent The Concept?
(Forbes, July 4, 2013)

這篇文章是Hashtag的發明人解釋他為什麼不針對Hashtag這個技術申請專利。他的回應是 "他不要錢,他只要大家能免費用這個好用的技術。" 真的很令人感動啊。

順便一提,這篇文章其實是一個來自Quora這個Q&A平台的Q&A。Quora是跨行動裝置與網站的平台,大家可以去下載到手機來試用看看。現在Quora會選一些有價值、有內容的Q&A,跟新聞網站合作。這個Business Model值得注意喔。

Congratulations, Boston University, you’re now a patent troll
(VentureBeat, July 3, 2013)

Apple這家有錢的公司,早就變成專利權人的箭靶了。所以它又被告了,本來是很稀鬆平常的。但不知為什麼,Boston University告Apple專利侵權 (訴狀在這),瞬間變成了各大網站的熱門新聞,而且還感嘆 "BU也變成Patent Troll了"。



Teva's $1.6B Pfizer Patent Deal Isn't Covered, Insurer Says
(Law360, July 2, 2013)

Teva與Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.之前跟Pfizer以2.15 billion美金的天價,和解了Protonix這個藥相關的專利訴訟。結果現在Teva的保險公司 Illinois Union Insurance Co.跳出來說,這個和解的一部份保險不給付,原因是 "保險公司沒有被正確的告知有這個訴訟"。


NewEgg Selling Anti-Patent Troll T-Shirts
(TechDirt, July 1, 2013)

自從打敗Shopping Cart Patent Troll之後,NewEgg顯然建立了 "反patent troll的先鋒" 這個熱血的公司形象。

現在它居然賣起反patent troll T恤來了!


Federal Circuit Begins its Campaign for Patent Clarity
(PatentlyO, June 26, 2013)



1. A method of treating restenosis in a mammal resulting from said mammal undergoing a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty procedure which comprises administering an antirestenosis effective amount of rapamycin to said mammal orally, parenterally, intravascularly, intranasally, intrabronchially, transdermally, rectally, or via a vascular stent impregnated with rapamycin.

關於rapamycin (雷帕黴素) ,說明書裡只舉了一個實施例sirolimus。然而rapamycin除了sirolimus之外,還有成千上萬種可能的化學組合。說明書中並未指出怎麼從sirolimus找出其它有效的rapamycin。原告自己的專家也承認,熟習該項技藝者必須一個一個試,才會知道哪些是有效的rapamycin。

CAFC審酌後,認為從成千上萬的候選物中,要以嘗試錯誤的方法找出適合的其它種rapamycin,屬於undue experimentation。係爭專利的說明書因此未滿足enabling的要求:

Even putting the challenges of synthesis aside, one of ordinary skill would need to assay each of at least tens of thousands of candidates. Wyeth's expert conceded that it would take technicians weeks to complete each of these assays. The specification offers no guidance or predictions about particular substitutions that might preserve the immunosuppressive and antirestenotic effects observed in sirolimus. The resulting need to engage in a systematic screening process for each of the many rapamycin candidate compounds is excessive experimentation. We thus hold that there is no genuine dispute that practicing the full scope of the claims, measured at the filing date, required undue experimentation.


美國法院對於written description跟enablement的要求,整體趨勢是越來越嚴了。往後寫說明書時,關於這兩點真的必須特別注意。

2013年7月1日 星期一


InterDigital Shares Sink on Judge Ruling in Patent Case Against Nokia, Huawei, ZTE
(online.wsj.com, June 28, 2013)

Patent Troll也不好作,Interdigital打輸一個專利訴訟,股價馬上下滑17%。看來關於在美國打ITC訴訟,中興與華為也不是省油的燈了。

Hon Hai eyes patents, e-commerce in diversification drive
(reuters.com, June 26, 2013)

這個新聞提到,鴻海將來會將 "intellectual property rights" 當成重點項目。作為握有最多專利的台灣電子廠商,鴻海會作什麼動作呢?真是令人期待。

Cisco Granted New Trial in $63.8 Million Patent Verdict
(www.bloomberg.com, June 26, 2013)

這個案子 (判決文在這) 有幾個點可以注意。比如,Cisco的律師把這個案子定調成是 "猶太人 v. 基督徒",結果搞到需要new trial:

... it was clear that counsel was attempting to align his “religious preference with that of the jurors and employs an ‘us v. them’ mentality–i.e., ‘we are Christian and they are Jewish.’”....



對專利人員而言,這個判決的重點,在於往後 "侵權人相信專利無效" 這點,往後有可能可以阻卻誘導侵權,因為它可以被當成判斷誘導者主觀要件是否成立的考量因素之一:

We now hold that evidence of an accused inducer’s good-faith belief of invalidity may negate the requisite intent for induced infringement.  This is, of course, not to say that such evidence precludes a finding of induced infringement. Rather, it is evidence that should be considered by the fact-finder in determining whether an accused party knew “that the induced acts constitute patent infringement.”



US Panel Deals A Big Blow To 'Patent Trolls'
(www.businessinsider.com, June 24, 2013)

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